Monday, September 22, 2008

You Know You're Not Leading When... (by Jon Ferguson)

Excellent blog thoughts by Jon Ferguson, Lead Pastor at Community Christian Church (Naperville, IL)

Ever catch yourself not leading? Of course you have. When I find myself not leading the way I believe God has called me to lead, I ask myself, "What does it look like for me to really be a leader in this situation? Maybe this will help you know when you are slipping a little bit.

You know you are not leading when . . .

  • You wait for someone to tell you what to do rather than taking the initiative yourselfBlindleading_4
  • You spend too much time talking about how things should be different
  • You blame the context, surroundings, or other people for your current situation
  • You choose not to speak the truth in love
  • You are more concerned about being cool or accepted than doing the right thing
  • You seek consensus, rather than casting vision for a preferable future
  • You aren't taking any significant risks
  • You accept status quo as the way it's always been and always will be
  • You start protecting your reputation instead of opening yourself up to opposition
  • You sleep a little too sound
  • You procrastinate to avoid making a tough call
  • You talk to others about the problem rather than taking it to the person responsible
  • You don't feel like your butt is on the line for anything significant
  • You think what you say doesn't matter
  • You ask for way too many opinions before taking action

Any places or situations where you are not leading? Is it time to step up?

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