Friday, April 18, 2008

The Future Is FREE!

The Internet is not only flattening the world and culture, it's creating a climate where "free" is becoming the norm. Freeware. YouTube. Veoh. Google is currently digitizing several large book collections. The local library is toast. In China, most music is freely copied and distributed without piracy or threat of lawsuit. Millions of people play fantasy sports for free, read their hometown newspapers for free and use blogspots (like "blogger") for, guessed it...FREE.

WIRED! magazine recently commented on this phenomenon in an article titled: "Free! Why $0.00 is the Future of Business." Ironically, WIRED! is on one of the least expensive magazine subscriptions on the market ($10/year) and this article was...yep...FREE.

The future for business is free and while it's hard to conceive a FREE college degree...that, too, might be the future!

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